A tailor-made and contemporary client approach for Selecta, thanks to a new digitisation and marketing strategy

4 min readMar 14, 2022
  • We are the new global lead agency for Selecta AG (a KKR portfolio company)
  • Relaunch of the new global website in a record time of 3 months, followed by roll-out in 13 markets
  • The digital client relationships have been raised to a future-proof level thanks to the measures that have already been taken

We have been selected as the lead agency by Selecta AG. The first steps are the development of a new website, a communication strategy, the development of data-driven campaigns, social media, performance marketing & analytics, marketing automation and CRM. For us, this is another exciting step into the food sector.

“Joy to go” — so to speak, joy to take away. This is Selecta’s new claim. And it couldn’t a better expression to tell what Selecta employees are passionate about: bringing joy to their clients, wherever they are and whenever they need it. And that’s exactly what was carried over to every single piece of content and touchpoint on the platform.

In recent months, we have been working with Selecta on a major relaunch of their website for 13 markets. The focus was on improving the UX, implementing the new brand design, defining the user journey with a focus on lead generation, creating new content and setting up analytics. This expressed the new brand positioning, significantly increased user-friendliness, optimised the process of lead generation and prepared the website for a wide range of browsers and end devices. This is part of Selecta’s digitisation strategy, which will be further expanded with further projects in the digital sector.

A new, intuitive and attractive product wizard that simplifies finding the right solution has been developed and integrated into the user journey on the website. This makes it even easier for potential customers to find the right solution for their specific needs.

Selecta AG

The website was fully relaunched in just three months and is now being rolled out in 13 different markets where Selecta is present. Not only are nine different languages taken into account, but the content and the various modules are also adapted to the specific needs of the individual countries.

The website has also been optimised for faster loading times and the best possible use of the dwell time. This increases the chances of getting more qualified leads throughout the user journey.

“We are happy to have found the right partner in FRASER, who will support us in our digital transformation process. With them, we have created a platform that enables us to have a better relationship with our existing and new customers in the various To build up markets in which we are active. We are consequently expanding our competence in the digitisation of customer, brand and sales processes. In this way we are further expanding our customer promise “Joy to Go”, said Roland Ludwig, Group Chief Technology Officer of Selecta.

Further projects are already in the pipeline as part of this cooperation in the near future: lead generation campaigns, support and management of all social media channels and expansion of future channels, CRM, performance marketing & analytics, as well as the development of other innovation-related projects.

“Selecta has a long history and a strong focus on being the European market leader in coffee vending and convenience food. This confirms that we are doing the right thing in helping Selecta. At the same time, it’s a great opportunity for us as an agency to expand our footprint in the food sector,” said Benjamin Baumann, our CEO and founder. “We are very much looking forward to being able to use our wealth of experience, which previously came mainly from the automotive and technology sectors, for a major player in the food sector.”




Written by FRASER

We unlock classic communication and digital product innovation. We help companies across all industries to transform and grow in this increasingly complex world

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