Welcome to Nucleo number 20, focusing on our core competency of unlocking the potential of zeitgeist communication and the four pillars that make us different. We really hope you find value in this content we selected for you!
☵ Strategy + Creativity Mix
Google reacts to the volatile British summer weather with data-driven billboards. So far, the British weather this summer has veered from downpours to heatwaves — but at least Google’s advertising is prepared. The company’s latest digital billboards use technology from Grand Visual to react to weather changes, temperature, time of day, cultural events and more to give contextual messages relating to Google Search functionality. ☛ Read more
Twitter turned real tweets into ads showing it's the place where you can be yourself. The platform is celebrating its individuality in a self-aware OOH campaign that, essentially, shows the double lives of users’ social media habits. “Me on Twitter” comprises 31 tweets — framed simply, without any superfluous branding — illustrating how people use Twitter versus other platforms. The activation popped up across six subway stations in New York and San Francisco, with a total of 128 placements in the two cities. ☛ Read more
☵ Digital Marketing as Sales
Websites are (probably) making less money because of GDPR. A new working paper suggests that websites are making less money because of the General Data Protection Rule (GDPR). It’s the first study of how the European privacy law affects the revenue of online businesses. GDPR went into effect in May 2018. The authors analysed data from web marketing service Adobe Analytics and compared the numbers before and after GDPR in 2018 with numbers from same dates in 2017. ☛ Read more
How TikTok became the music discovery platform for the smartphone generation. TikTok’s music-infused virality, which traces its origins as an app for lip-syncing along to songs, has made it into an unexpected machine with which young people can discover new songs and artists. The app now shows up on Spotify and Apple Music, where TikTok-focused playlists have tens of thousands of followers; on YouTube, where songs will often be deluged with comments from users who say they found the song on TikTok; and in the music industry, where some promoters are learning to use the app as a springboard for new music. ☛ Read more
☵ Product is Communication too
These clothes were designed by AI.Getting an algorithm to create a cutting-edge fashion collection may seem like a big ask. But two design students have done just that by starting the world’s first AI-designed fashion brand. Glitch is the work of two people who met on a course at MIT that encouraged students to develop deep learning software for creative initiatives, such as AI-generated art, jewellery and perfumes. ☛ Read more
A Facebook mind-reading device wants you to type with your brain. The social network first announced that its research lab, Building 8, was working on a computer-brain interface in 2017, during the social network’s F8 developer conference. Regina Dugan, who was leading the effort but left the company after more than a year, said during a speech that Facebook wanted to create a silent speech system that can type 100 words per minute straight from your brain. ☛ Read more
☵ Merging Editorial + Campaign Content
YouTube is the world’s top-grossing video app with $138M in user spending. YouTube generated $138 million in user spending, according to data from app market monitor SensorTower. US-based users accounted for nearly 70 percent of its revenue, followed by Japan and the UK with 7 and 4 percent respectively. This represents a 220-percent growth in revenue year-over-year, the report further notes. ☛ Read more
Instagram removing likes can close the gap between people’s authentic and social selves. Two weeks ago, Instagram expanded on an experiment to multiple countries including New Zealand — to hide how many ‘likes’ people’s posts receive. People can still see how many likes their own photos receive, but won’t see counts for other people’s posts. This is a really positive move, as well as a new challenge for influencers and marketers. ☛ Read more